Modes of interpretation
According to the kind of event, the venue and the number of participants, we are able to offer you the following language combinations and modes of interpretation:
- German → Italian
- Italian → German
- Italian → English
- English → Italian
- German → English
- and many more languages

RSI Remote Simultaneous interpreting
Thanks to modern information technology we are also able to offer our simultaneous and consecutive interpreting services remotely. Remote simultaneous and consecutive interpretation is performed during online meetings and conferences, or when not all participants can travel to the conference venue. There are several technological solutions for the provision and use of the service and they vary according to the type of event and the mode of interpretation required. Interpreters usually work from an interpretation booth with a digital console and participants can listen to the translation via an online platform or a smartphone app.
Together with our partners, who are leaders in the field of technology solutions for Remote Simultaneous Interpreting, we will be able to offer you the solution best suited to your needs.
Liaison interpreting
This mode is used for face-to-face translation with a small number of participants, for example for business meetings, in law courts and for interviews. The participants speak one at a time.
Consecutive interpreting
This mode is suitable for formal settings with a certain number of participants, also for official speeches and conferences and which take place at venues without a simultaneous booth. The speaker interrupts their speech at regular intervals of a few minutes and then the speech is translated into another language.
Simultaneous interpreting
This is standard practice at international meetings. The interpreter sits in a booth listening to the speech through headphones and translates simultaneously. There are always two interpreters (at times three) in the booth that swap every 20 to 30 minutes. The participants listen to the translation through their headsets.
Chuchotage or whispering interpretation
This is a form of simultaneous interpreting whereby the interpreter whispers simultaneously for 1 or 2 delegates. Use can also be made of the tour guide system for small meetings or factory visits but is not recommended for large meetings due to hearing difficulties for the interpreter and disturbance for the participants.
Contact us with your request. We will be pleased to offer you our advice and provide you with a non-committing offer.
Out contact data:
Cell phone: 0049 (0) 15784286706 / 0049 (0) 172 9510517
Email: info@youritalianinterpreters.com
We look forward to hearing from you! Your interpreter team

Interpreter, Translator, Italian English, Berlin, Notary, Consecutive interpreting, Remote, Germany, Munich, Frankfurt, Düsseldorf, Leipzig, Dresden, Hamburg, Hannover, Denmark, Copenhagen, Aarhus, Sweden, Malmö, Stockholm